
Mr.Bu, the Dog, at the beach...

- Bu, what are you doing?
- Nothing, I`m just here, waiting, with my stick. Since you don`t want to play with me no more.

- (Shhhht, shut up, someone`s coming) Hello nice couple! My name is Bu and they came with me to the beach but no longer wanna play. Can you play with me please? You don`t know how? No problem, I`ll teach. It`s easy, you see? Just have to throw it away and I catch it!

- Oh... No! Wait, that`s not the way! (I`m not feeling ok, I see all white, have I arrived to heaven? I died? You killed me? You bastards!)

- Humm... ok... no, no, don`t worry about me, I`ll be alright. Just me and my stick. Don`t need no one else.


Disney at Facebook

Peter Pan joined Facebook. 11:34 am
He was sick and tired of being alone at Never Ever`s Land, only with a group of annoying children and Captain Hook. So, decided to connect to the community. Hoping to meet adult, mature people, who have other aims in life, beside making fun of others.
Peter Pan and Captain Hook are now friends. 11:54 am
It is quite amazing. After an entire life being enemies and trying to kill each other, they needed only 20min. on Facebook to become friends. Thank you Facebook. You`ll soon bring peace to the world.
Winnie the Pooh took the quizz Wich Disney character are you? 1:03 pm
He`s in the middle of an identity crisis. Still doesn`t want to believe that he`s doomed to be a sweet teddy bear to the rest of his life.
Captain Hook changed his profile picture. 1:20 pm
Aesthetic matters. With the hook, probably, no model agency would call him. Don`t give up Captain. Keep on trying.
Wendy made a comment on Captain Hook`s photo. 1:22 pm
"Please captain, don`t hide your hook. It made you who you are today. It`s part of you and it justifies your name."
She fucked his attempt of changing his image.
Captain Hook is trying not to commit suicide. 1:25 pm
Pluto joined the group I`d rather die than keep on being a mouse`s pet. 2:05 pm
He woke up with this decision. And he is not turning back. So, in order to make it even stronger, ran to create the group on Facebook. No one else joined. He`s even more depressed. Discovered he`s the only one.
Mickey Mouse forced Pluto to leave the I`d rather die than keep on being a mouse`s pet`s group. 2:06 pm
Daisy is now single. 2:46 pm
She had enough of getting wet each time Donald started to speak. Not to mention kisses.



Here at the nun`s house, my landlord is The Lord himself, of course. It is wonderful, can you imagine?! The holly spirit all around you all the time, taking care of you. And making sure that you are on your way to the light!
This is a daily nightmare. It is quite problematic. Because He sees, knows and can everything.
It`s not because of me. No, I always behave quite well. I`m worrying for the rest of the nuns. They can`t go to the evening prayers without one or two cubatas. I tried to talk to Him and let Him know that if those little blue ladies do that... It`s for Him and for nobody else. Someone told them that drinking has an approaching effect to God and that way it increases the prayers result. It wasn`t me. Well, it`s time to tell you my other problem at the house.
The guinea-pigs in the house are causing me the worse stressful period of my life. Because, in my case, my fear is not only to be banished from the house, but to go to Hell. It seems like those little inhabitants have caused quite an impression to the nuns, that, now, listen to them very often. They gained a powerful position inside the house and I don`t know what else to do in order to save me and the nuns from the eternal doom.
Once again, I tried to intervene, talking to our All Mighty. I explained that those guinea pigs are a bad influence inside the house. And that He should do something to prevent their proliferation. What He told me? To stop complaining and exposing others. To leave those inocent animals at the bathtub and keep on living myself in peace. And without cubatas.


Cata at the Skylab`s

Hello again. If you no longer remember, my name is Catarina. But you can call me Cat`rina, Catalina or Caterina if you feel like. I`m from Lisboa, Portugal. No, Portugal is not a Spain province. It is an independent country. Portuguese women already have colored clothes. For example, to get a red skirt, we use the rabbit blood and for the yellow ones we use baby piss. So, there`s no need to keep on using only black. And in deed, we do know how to depilate our mustache. With really sharp kitchen knives. I used to study architecture in Lisbon, my favorite city to live, had a normal life, nice weather, beach. But I had to change it, of course. What`s architecture? It`s like an hobby, where you can draw and make little doll`s houses all the time. So, I came to the village. I`ve been here for almost six months. That has been possible thanks to the nun`s house of the village. They took me in and accepted me like an equal. They say to everybody that the house is really old and poor. But we do have a jacuzzi in the living-room, next to the billiards table. And our vestments are from Prada. You want to know more about me? Well. My period is regular thanks to the birth control pills. And no, it didn`t increase my breast size. Maybe it`s because I forget to take it sometimes. Cigarette? I don`t smoke, but if you have maria I may think about it. I`m abble to speak several unknown languages when I`m drunk. You can invite me to a Cubata, yes, of course. No, I won`t go with you to the car, Oh, ok, so I pay it, don`t worry (you bastard). You have to go and buy bread now? But it`s 2am. Ok, bye. Jerk.


My dream

Hearing perfectly a totally new music inside my head.
It was completly new-born in there.
A man and a women singing.
Language: portuguese of Brazil.
A duet.
Soft and calm voices.
Beautiful melody and harmony.
Image: the screen of Singstar - bars at a musical guideline, going up and down, fulfilling while they were singing.
Woke up, still remembering parts of the music.
Right now?
Totally lost in space-time.
Hope there`s an archive of dreams somewhere in the Universe.
Maybe in some black-hole.
Otherwise I`ll never, ever, hear the music of my head one more time. Never again.



Wanted to give a name to my science... Catarina... Cata + logia seemed fine.
Found the meaning in some dictionaries:
Catalogia - Constant repetition of meaningless words and phrases; seen in schizophrenia. Hypertalkativity, volubility, incoherent unending streams of speech, verbigeration, talkativeness.
Perfect! My name was made for this. I understand it now. The whole meaning of my life, since the beginning. Names are not in your register by chance. You`re giving a mission when you`re born. And it comes with your name.
You`re the blessed ones, because you`re abble to read my enlightened and wize words. That`s the point of me writing the blog. To repeate constantly meaningless words and phrases, incoherent unending streams of speech.
Now I`m a happyer person. I found peace inside of me. When I walk on the street, people have to put sunglasses, because my aura shines so bright. I no longer walk, I slide. When I go to the beach to bathe, I can`t, because the sea opens in front of me. At the lagoons I am not abble to dive, because I walk over the water. And the fishes gather all around me to hear me speak.
P.S.: Also found this website... Hebrew? I dunno! http://www.catalogia.co.il/


A Photo

The Sky...

... What the Hell??


To win power and keep it_The Fidel`s guide

How to win power and keep it? Fidel explains it. He took the Master`s degree.

Define objectives. You want to be the leader. Leadership planning. Cuban style. Simple but effective. Knock down the existing leader in a coup. Rule the country with an iron fist for almost 50 years (while you survive to hundreds of assassination attempts). Hold on to the job for as long as it is physically possible. With your teeth if you have to. When, at last, you can`t walk propely (because you fall); you can`t keep on going with your endless speeches (because you faint); you can barely lift your head from your hospital pillow to breathe fire into the face of your comrades... Succesion planing. You deliver the keys of your kingdom to the best man for the job - your loving younger brother, Raúl.

It is quite logical. You already have a certain age, more than 80. So, you delegate your power to your "successor in blood". With more vitality than you. After all, he`s only 76 years old. Oh! But he doesn`t look like. He seems to have only 73. A child, comparing to you.

It is unquestionable that the cigar-loving dictator has his own inimitable style of leadership. He is a character, with a questionable strategy. Because of it, many tried to topple him (topple=kill_Fidel`s dictionnary). And also started to use strategies. ´Acme-like` inventions, more suitable to Bugs Bunny` cartoons. He`s right when says that if surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, he would win the gold medal.

I have to admite that I`ve read that the Cubans have a longer life expectancy than many european countries. I was even more surprised to learn that they achieved 99.8% literacy in the country. You want to try to compare it to Europe and America? But then, poverty, lack of liberty. What`s it worth it for. To have a long life, but live it like shit. To know a lot about lots of things and be abble to read about another countries, but aren`t allowed to do what they feel like and go wherever they wish to go. Conversation: the doctor in medicin to Fidel - Hola señor Castro. Yo he ganado un bueno dinero salvando la vida de las personas. Así que ahora puedo comprarme un coche. Usted me lo permite? Fidel answers to him - Cuantas vidas as salvado? A ver... No! Todavia no es suficiente. Te quedan 600 enfermos hasta que puedas comprarlo. Y 200 dellos tienen que padecer de lepra, vale? Venga, chico, mientras tienes tu bici, para llevar tus hijos a la escuela, para que un dia puedan ser medicos como tu!

So what can we learn from Castro's leadership experiences? Work hard to get to the top. Then, work even harder to stay there.

So, if Fidel is reading this from his hospital sick bed, perhaps he should sit up (well, maybe not) and take notice, you're never too old to learn something new: you should never mix family and business. The best man for the job isn't necessarily your brother. Nor is it your best friend, and possibly not even your deputy. Nor your golden fish, or your guinea pig. Nor your canary or your dwarfed rabbit.

(I can say this, because my uncle put his cousin replacing him at the bookstore and it was no good... Went bankrupt. This cousin always new that the uncle sold books. The thing is that what the Cousin really loved to do was japanese origamis. So he saw another purpose to such an amount of paper.)

And when you say you are going, you do need to go. Not to keep your self in the parliement, waiting to be elected to the council of state. Hanging on for longer than is necessary, promising to go, then hanging on some more. And even after the handover, lingering like a bad smell, watching over the shoulder of your successor and sticking your nose in where you no longer should. At this point, you really should GET A LIFE. Or take up golf. (The two are mutually exclusive.)

A good leader will know when the time is right to go. When to give up, stand down, make way for someone younger, smarter, more energetic. And the very best leaders will have selflessly sought the one person that can do the job better than themselves.

Probably, ahead of his own eyes, Fidel was/is a great leader. For him, his little brother surelly fills all the requests above. Well, he certainly assures the most important: younger brothers always listen the older ones.


Why to read the small letters...

On every product you buy, there are small letters. Should pay more attention...
For example, look at the ingredientes of barbecue sauce. No one never stops to read them. And the thing is that there is an ingredient called "smoke aroma". What kind of ingredient is this?
"Little John, please, go to the fire down the road and get me some smoke aroma because it has finished and I want to prepare dinner!".
When the cooks are making the sauce, how do they know if it is burning or not? "Doesn`t it smells like burned?" "No, it was me that opened the smoke aroma!".
The condoms say in small letters "to conserve in a cool and dry place". Well, for what we want them for... Neither one nor the other.
Spanish brand of cookies La Mallorquina, manufactured since 1916... With ingredients such as: flour, eggs, butter, emulsifier E461, dextrose, zorbital and potassium sulfate.
Just imagine this cooking-monk from 1916 saying "Sister Ornupeta, please don`t put too much dextrose nor zorbital because then the chaplain will go crazy-excited and we`ll have to give him Diazpam."
Talking about Diazpam. It shouldn`t have so many secondary effect. Because if a tranquilizer have such an enormous list of contraindications... It won`t tranquilize nothing at all.
For starting, Diazpam may cause "sudden anxiety". In case you didn`t have enough already. "hallucinations, excitation and sleeping disorders"... "problems of balance when walking (fallen)"... "yellowish aspect of the skin and the eyes". The thing is: you really won`t care. You`ll be under the pills effect.
The number one of secondary effects will have to be the contraceptive pill. You have a never ending list of them. And they`re not small things. No, you may take with you in that small box breast cancer, thrombosis, etc, etc, etc.
Shooting your knee would have less secondary effects.
To equal us, men would have to triturate the testicules.


2nd thought

... Corruption is a word spelled in several languages.
During so many years I didn`t even know the word corruption.
Then, I got to know the word, but I had no idea of the meaning. It was just one more word. And I didn`t want to know what it meant, because it seemed so hard to write!
Then, I understood the concept, but didn`t know about no one who practiced it (I hadn`t visited the Zoo yet).
Later on my extensive life, someone at the TV explained to me, personally, face to face, that lots of portuguese politics and business-men were corrupt.
I thought (for the first time I thought): "Bad portuguese powerfull people. Hope my father isn`t corrupt. Because they talk all the time about corrupt people on the TV. That way all my friends will know my father is a corrupt. Oh, no, he can`t be. He`s not powerfull" (first reasoning of mine).
Then, during years, more and more people, coming from all around the world, entered my living-room and spoke to me. I realised that corruption was not an exclusive portuguese word. And I also realised that I was fucking important, because foreign journalists were coming to talk to me.
One afternoon I went to the Zoo. There I had the biggest disappointment of my life. I`ll share it with you, my dear friends: the zebras are corrupt. I`m sorry for ruining the nice image you had from zebras. They even bribe the director of the Zoo to have more leaves than the deer. And I also discovered that the zebras are not portuguese. They speak another language. They are abble to bribe the director in another language! He must be really smart to speak so many languages. But he`s not smart enough not to be bribed by a zebra. They`re donkey cousins for God sake!
Here in Andaluzia, more specifically in Marbella, they have The Distinct College of Corruption. At the DCC you can graduate only if you`re really good. But you may be sure that if you trust them your son`s future, it will be brilliant. As a matter of fact, to enter in Marbella, you have to pass the border by showing your DCC graduating card. It assures that you`re a certificated corrupt, enabled to corrupt all over the world.
So I say. Corruption can be such a beautiful word. It joins people all over the world, without considering race, religion, nationality, political or sexual orientation... And most of all, corruption it`s a beautiful word, because it made me think for the first and last time of my life.

1st thought

... Sex before marriage is such a positive thing.
Therefore, should be approved by all religions and Parents (those are your gods if you`re under 18 - the most severe and powerfull of all gods).
Don`t share this thought of mine with your five legitimate kids. They should not do it for now. With your two bastard children, you may share whatever you want. Who cares. They don`t live with you, and you`ll keep them forever in the basement of the number 13th, on the Hell of the Bastards street. So, probably, they`ll never get to meet someone to have sex with.

Sunday thoughts

Usual sunday. Bad weather and nothing to do. Want to go out, but everybody`s sleeping. Prisoners of their own living-rooms. Stucked on magnet sofas. Rolled on extremely ugly robes, taking a nap, in front of the TV. Since is sunday, no mood to study either. So, I surrender to the mass behaviour.
Since I`ve nothing else to do, I start thinking (thing I am not used to do). I believe it is a dangerous activity. Specially when you don`t have a life insurance. Who will support your five legitimate kids, the two illegitimate, your wife to the eyes of God and the other one that only exists to your eyes. And don`t forget your mother-in-law. She would keep telling you, until eternity, about how you shouldn`t have thought so much (after an entire life telling you every second that you weren`t smart enough).
When I think, I do not come up with smart things. Because like everything in life, to do it really well, you need practice. But I`m trying, with such an effort. Jeopardizing my fragile existence. So, please, support me in this.
I think...


to sleep vs.to wake up

You meet a girl and want to take her into your bed. Better saying, into a bed.
Don`t tell her "I want to sleep with you...". No, that`s so rude. Show a bit more of sensibility and imagination.
Better to say "I want to wake up with you...". It will sound much more poetical and the meaning is exactly the same.
You may always add beautiful things such as "...I want to wake up with you in the morning, with the sound of sweet birds and the soft touch of a sun ray in our skin. Then, open my eyes and look to your gentle, perfect face...bla, bla, bla...".
Of course, in the current times, the girl may simply say to you "Fuck off! You wanna do me or not?!".


An eye for an eye... (A tooth for a tooth)!

An eye for an eye...
Ok, my friend, let the class begin!
This is a principle of retributive justice. It consists in prescribe to the transgressor a punishment equal to the crime he commited.
That principle is still applied for some extreme western Europe people, as far as I know...
The thing is that they do not know how to use it properly.
So, this is a helping guide, to help those who feel like they have to use it, but aren`t getting the point of how to do it well:
1 - If it is about retributive justice, it means that only makes sense to aplly it with someone who harmed you. ok? not difficult to understand, no?
2 - It makes even less sense when you aplly it to someone who followed your suffering path. what do you think? that everybody is like monkeys? imitating what other has done?
3 - More. Can become cruel when you take an eye out of someone that has already been taken one! don`t forget that most of normal, healthy mind people live by the rule: don`t do to the others ...
4 - According to Mahatma Ghandi, "An eye for an eye, will make the whole world blind." and Guigui is my friend. don`t forget I use to talk with him at the bar, about smart things. so, please, respect him.
So, my friend, to help you in such a difficult task, I also leave you with several advices, since I don`t know what religion or belief do you embrace:
If you`re a Christian - Even though it may be hard to do in practice, pretend that you forgive those who wrong you, rather than seek retribution for a wrong.
If you`re Taoist - Simply accept the infraction and take the least "resistive" action to correct it, if any action need to be taken at all. but you don`t have to offer the other face either! this is also called th "move on" religion.
If you`re a jew - You go to the one who harmed you, and make it pay for it- literarly.
If you`re a Buddist - Have to be careful with karma: one can take retributive action, but that retributive action is not without its consequences, and living on a finite planet guarantees that the suffering incurred by a retributive action will return to the individual who was wronged. so, boomerang effect! it will slap you again in the face.
If you`re more into filosofical rules of fallacy - Two wrongs make a right.
I go now, and leave you with these deep thoughts... Only possible to come from someone who`s a Mahatma Guigui friend. He teaches me everything during our drinking dawns, sitting at the terrace. He. Wearing nothing but his tinny diaper. Yes. He loses one or other drop of piss when we laugh.


The End of The World

Back in Spain.
Well, after such a long, long time in Portugal, much more than I thought it would be, I`m again at the end of the world. No, no, no, I`m not saying this in a bad way, no. I believe that the End of The World is the best place on Earth to concentrate on your studies.
As a matter of fact, I arrived saying to everyone:
- "Hello! I`m back!...
- Yes, it was great, everything`s ok...
- Oh, with energy to parties?...
- No, no, no, I come with full batteries to study..."
...If I could put here an expressive face, like we do at the amazing msn, I would put a nauseated one... I became a nerd or what?! Ok, I might be really thinking that way... I am (ashamed face) but I do not need to say it to the world!... To the End of The World!...
The truth is that at the E.T.W., there is much more party then at The Center of The World (you know where it is, no need to explain it). It`s true! Party and drinking all the time, for any reason.
- What?! You farted?! Lets party!.... So, tapas at 21h, then boteillon at my place, we`ll fart a lot and then bar, ok? GUYS!!! THE FART`S PARTY THIS EVENING! Oh! Don`t forget to bring your gas mask.
The next big party that is approaching here at the ETW, the same way that at the CTW, is the Carnival. But of course, this week, they are already preparing parties to decide what to do at the Carnival!
So... Why do I say that this is the best place on Earth to concentrate on studies?