
Why to read the small letters...

On every product you buy, there are small letters. Should pay more attention...
For example, look at the ingredientes of barbecue sauce. No one never stops to read them. And the thing is that there is an ingredient called "smoke aroma". What kind of ingredient is this?
"Little John, please, go to the fire down the road and get me some smoke aroma because it has finished and I want to prepare dinner!".
When the cooks are making the sauce, how do they know if it is burning or not? "Doesn`t it smells like burned?" "No, it was me that opened the smoke aroma!".
The condoms say in small letters "to conserve in a cool and dry place". Well, for what we want them for... Neither one nor the other.
Spanish brand of cookies La Mallorquina, manufactured since 1916... With ingredients such as: flour, eggs, butter, emulsifier E461, dextrose, zorbital and potassium sulfate.
Just imagine this cooking-monk from 1916 saying "Sister Ornupeta, please don`t put too much dextrose nor zorbital because then the chaplain will go crazy-excited and we`ll have to give him Diazpam."
Talking about Diazpam. It shouldn`t have so many secondary effect. Because if a tranquilizer have such an enormous list of contraindications... It won`t tranquilize nothing at all.
For starting, Diazpam may cause "sudden anxiety". In case you didn`t have enough already. "hallucinations, excitation and sleeping disorders"... "problems of balance when walking (fallen)"... "yellowish aspect of the skin and the eyes". The thing is: you really won`t care. You`ll be under the pills effect.
The number one of secondary effects will have to be the contraceptive pill. You have a never ending list of them. And they`re not small things. No, you may take with you in that small box breast cancer, thrombosis, etc, etc, etc.
Shooting your knee would have less secondary effects.
To equal us, men would have to triturate the testicules.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Muy bueno muy bueno, mas a melhor que já presenciei foi quando o meu irmão foi operado ao joelho, durante o tempo de recuperação tinha que se injectar com umas vacinas que era suposto para ele não se flipar todo. Até aqui parece me bem, o melhor foi quando ele leu os efeitos secundários do tal produto que ele estava a meter p'á veia. Basicamente dizia no meio de uma molhada "pode provocar a morte". Agora sim o meu irmão e toda a minha familia nos sentimos muito melhor sabendo isto, já que se ele bate-se a bota (por ser operado ao joelho) não podiamos dizer que não tinhamos sido avisados!